Hello Leeann Adams and Kalani Gordon and anyone considering this proposal.

Thank you very much for taking the time to check out THE BEAT flash news concept. I’m Craig Phillips, an East Baltimore creative and indie journalist/anchor. I regularly produce/present local video news @CharmCityBeat.

The following concept I have created for you is meant to be a clear representation of my skill-set and some varied talents I have to offer The Baltimore Sun as an indie contractor or employee.


Multimedia journalist / Engagement Specialist

“…You should be comfortable taking the lead in visual content creation, photography and/or video work, or pitching in to expand on the work and ideas of others. We’ll also be looking to you to actively embrace experimentation on all platforms and stay abreast of trends in social media.”


Introducing THE BEAT, flash video news from The Baltimore Sun. Other good names coulde be THE FEED, THE FLASH, BREAKING, etc.

THE BEAT series is in effect a mirror to The Baltimore Sun print and digital content. It is not meant to replace, rather to supplement and enhance, as well as expose The Baltimore Sun brand, to new audiences on a variety of different platforms not reached by standard print/digital.

Also, there is a substantial population that simply does not, for whatever reason, read. The THE BEAT format lends itself to being presented in both short and long form videos and horizontal or vertical feeds, depending on subject matter.

In a future working together, I would very much like to highlight and showcase the Reporters working behind the scenes, in such a way to empower them, as well as sending a continued positive message about the importance of reporting and truthful information being told.

With an adequate production budget, my intention would be to introduce new faces on a revolving basis. Giving local talent of different ages an opportunity to be involved sharing the stories being told about their very own communities and being compensated fairly for their time and efforts.

As for producing THE BEAT, I suggest a pilot phase. I propose producing a daily, 1-3 minute episode featuring two or three headlines. I propose establishing and maintaining THE BEAT social media outlets, Instagram, Facebook and Tik Tok. I propose that all contents of the broadcast be a derivative of previously published materials from The Baltimore Sun. At the close of that pilot period, we can evaluate and determine where we go from there. Initially, we are trying to engage and create an audience.

If this concept and proposals seem of interest, please reach out at your earliest convenience. I would be thrilled to partner on this or similar project. As I am commited to this endeavor, I will offer this format branded and catered to the other local outlets in the near future, should you have no desire to pursue this together. Let me know your thoughts.

I’m Craig Phillips and my email is Craig@BmoreProductions.com. My mobile is +1.443.600.8281.