Well hello there, beautiful thing! Thanks for coming over. 🙂 This stuff is for you.


To Erica, kindred spirit and voice of my inspiration...

In the glow of my screen, your light shines clear,
A muse in the making, with eyes so dear.
Your laughter, a portrait, your spirit, a dance,
In art and in dreaming, we share a glance.

A mother, a beacon, with sons by your side,
A family’s laughter, in whom you confide.
Like cousins in spirit, in art we entwine,
Our canvases blend, your brush strokes meet mine.

Our paths though unmet, our spirits the same,
In each piece of art, I whisper your name.
With freedom our canvas, and smart work our art,
I reach through the distance, to wherever you are.

In the glow of my screen, your light shines clear,
A voice that resonates, so heartfelt, so near.
Your laughter, a melody, your gaze, a song,
In the chorus of life, where we both belong.

A mother, a star, with talent so vast,
A family’s harmony, in lyrics that last.
Kindred in rhythm, in tunes we unite,
Our melodies mingle in the still of the night.

Though stages apart, our duet plays on,
In every note sung, our connection is drawn.
With freedom our stage, and passion our part,
From artist to artist, Erica Paige unbreak my heart.💜

Hey you.

I’m Kamary, an American/European transplant living in Baltimore (mostly). I’ve lived 26 years in Europe and moved back to the states almost 2 years ago. I pay my rent as a screen and stage actor but my goal is to be a rockstar. Google ‘Kamary Phillips’–first 10 pages all me. I’m real. Just not famous here, YET.

I understand that you don’t know me and you likely don’t even see me in your world, though you noticed a comment recently. Here’s the thing, if you could find me attractive (because that’s where it all starts) I just know we could grind on several levels. I’m talking, power couple. Yes, I have a long term plan. 🙂 I’m here to “MATCH you”, as you suggested in IG. I’m not fukn around.

But again, there’s no point putting it ALL down if there’s no basic  attraction for you, because that’s ultimately what’s going to motivate us in the beginning. Blushing, crushin’, longing, yearning and all that goodness… Unless of course, you’re purely the transactional type (which I didn’t get the impression from my ‘stalking’). At any rate Erica,  I’m open. The success of our friendship and household will keep the ball rolling.  I want, need and strongly desire my person. That one I just focus on when I’m not focusing on me or work. The one I long for. The one I trust.  I want I want to know what you’re doing, just because. The one I want to send goofy/sexy texts to knowing I’ll never be outed nor embarrassed. The one I want to write songs for and about. The one I know WANTS to be my muse and supports that side of me. The one who wants to build some thing worth passing down, and more. ANOTHER one my mother adores. I’ve had great partners. All white, Europeans and I’ve never had a black girlfriend. Memorable lovers, sure but no one who’s met the folks, so to say.  They would ADORE you, that’s for damn sure lol!

Okay, now to the point…


I want to start a friendship. 

I want to build some trust.

I want to do what we do best…together.  CREATE.

If that works, we’ll fall deep and be fine– if your boys dig me, that is. 🙂

Don’t over think it.

Point is, I’m attempting to court you woman, if you haven’t figured it out, AND I don’t know another way under the circumstances. Traditionally, your role is let it happen and enjoy it OR let me know it’s not in my interest. That’ll suck. I’ll deal. Tell me though.

My last relationship was 16 years. Before that, 6. Before that, 8. Another 5.  I don’t do short term by nature and I’m loyal AF. I’m also patient and frankly, too busy for a relationship but I’m only so busy because I don’t have one…if that makes sense.

I’m a dog dude. But in my recent years I am appreciating cats more and more. I see a lot of cat vibes in you, so I won’t be surprised if that’s your thing.

Damn, look at me jabbering. We should just have a talk. Each lying on their back, on our respective beds staring at the ceiling, picking the other’s brain until one of us falls asleep. 😴 

Okay EP (I dig that!)

I’m gonna play some guitar, thinking of you no doubt,  then crash.

Cheers, dear!